Cupcake Friday

lemoncreamAhhhhh, it is finally Friday and it is cupcake day at the office. I love cupcake day. I love seeing the smiling faces of my cuppie coworkers as they walk away with their cupcakes!! It makes my heart happy.
Today’s cupcake is Lemon Cream…..a light, fluffy lemon cake, topped with whip cream and a dollop of lemon creamcheese. M-m-m-m-m. So yummy. I did have one whiner today…….a hater of lemon. You mention anything about lemon and his face puckers without even tasting it. How could anyone be a lemon hater. He whined, and pouted. I encouraged him to try it…….well, I pretty much force fed him. LOL. He did say it wasn’t bad, but he asked that I never make lemon again since HE is a hater and it’s all about him. Good thing he is a good friend. Otherwise he might have been wearing that cupcake! I wanted to just smoosh it all over his cute little face. He is a high maintenance sweetie pie, but I adore my friend.
Happy Friday all!!

bake, bake, bake…tired, tired, tired

partypopsredvelvetslemonCreamfilledCCBusy couple of days of baking. I had a big order for 100 red velvet cupcakes, 100 lemon cream cupcakes and 100 cake pops. I candied some lemon peel to garnish the lemon cream cupcakes…..a nice little touch and delicious too! I am a bit cupcaked out right now. But in the morning it will be an early wake up for me, to bake a batch of brownie brittle and then off to wine tasting for the day. ahhhhhhhhh, drink a little vino, relax and then return home to cook dinner for two dear friends. Of course I will have to make them a little dessert too. Hmmmmm, what to make….I think it’s going to depend on how much wine I taste! LOL
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!!
Oh, I have a little contest coming up for you…..look for it in the next couple of days……

boop’s brownie krispies #2….from a box mix

browniebrittle#2So yesterday I told you all that I would try another recipe for brownie krispies , using a boxed brownie mix. I really don’t like using boxed mixes, but I had to try this. YUM YUM. Passed some out at work….it was a hit….gave some to Lil sugarbundle baker girl, and everyone loved it. I used the Ghirardelli brownie mix…Maybe a bit too good of a mix for this particular treat. But, whatever…
The one I posted yesterday was a lighter crispy more than crunchy brittle. #2 is more crunchy, which I like. I think I have to say #1 is better. Wait, no….#2 is better….yep, #2 it is….buttttttt, hmmmm, no! I like the first one. AHHH heck, I dunno….I suggest you make both and decide for yourself. I am warning you. It is addicting. Oh, and did I mention that this stuff makes great ice cream samiches!!! OMG.
1 box of your favorite brownie mix, 18.4 oz
1/4 cup water plus 1 tablespoon
1/4 cup oil
1 egg white
1/2 cup chocolate chips
Line a 12 x 17 baking sheet with parchment paper. Mix all the ingredients together and spread it as thinly as possible on the parchment lined baking sheet. It does not cover the entire baking  sheet. Just make sure it is spread thin, like 1/8″. Bake at 300 for at least 20 minutes. Touch to make sure it is firming up. You may have to bake another 20 minutes or so. Test again. At this point I turned off the oven and left the sheet of brownie krispies in there for several hours to dry out. You will just have to test, test, bake, bake. once it feels dry and firm, and it has cooled down, break into pieces and devour it.

Cupcake Fridays at the office….

reesecuppieEvery friday in my office, we have Cupcake Friday. It’s a fun thing we do to end the week. I bake a different cupcake each week and I get a kick outta people lined up to get their cuppies. It makes me happy. This week’s cupcake was Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup. A yummy chocolate cake with a peanutbutter cup nestled in the middle, all soft and gooey. It’s topped with creamy chocolate frosting and sprinkled with peanut butter cup morsels. Well, while I had them in the oven, I counted the wrappers of the peanut butter cups. Hmmmm, didn’t match up to the number of cupcakes in the oven!! oh no..that meant one cupcake had a peanut butter cup with the wrapper still on it. LOL, I let everyone know and decided to give a prize to whoever had the secret ingredient! It was funny, but no one came forward to claim their prize. hmmmmm. Someone got a little extra fiber in their cupcake.