Cupcake Fridays at the office….

reesecuppieEvery friday in my office, we have Cupcake Friday. It’s a fun thing we do to end the week. I bake a different cupcake each week and I get a kick outta people lined up to get their cuppies. It makes me happy. This week’s cupcake was Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup. A yummy chocolate cake with a peanutbutter cup nestled in the middle, all soft and gooey. It’s topped with creamy chocolate frosting and sprinkled with peanut butter cup morsels. Well, while I had them in the oven, I counted the wrappers of the peanut butter cups. Hmmmm, didn’t match up to the number of cupcakes in the oven!! oh no..that meant one cupcake had a peanut butter cup with the wrapper still on it. LOL, I let everyone know and decided to give a prize to whoever had the secret ingredient! It was funny, but no one came forward to claim their prize. hmmmmm. Someone got a little extra fiber in their cupcake.

4 thoughts on “Cupcake Fridays at the office….

  1. It’s like that Mexican KIng’s Bread. If you get the little plastic baby Jesus, you get to buy lunch for everyone. I have had to do that three years in a row now!

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