bake, bake, bake…tired, tired, tired

partypopsredvelvetslemonCreamfilledCCBusy couple of days of baking. I had a big order for 100 red velvet cupcakes, 100 lemon cream cupcakes and 100 cake pops. I candied some lemon peel to garnish the lemon cream cupcakes…..a nice little touch and delicious too! I am a bit cupcaked out right now. But in the morning it will be an early wake up for me, to bake a batch of brownie brittle and then off to wine tasting for the day. ahhhhhhhhh, drink a little vino, relax and then return home to cook dinner for two dear friends. Of course I will have to make them a little dessert too. Hmmmmm, what to make….I think it’s going to depend on how much wine I taste! LOL
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!!
Oh, I have a little contest coming up for you…..look for it in the next couple of days……

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